Lemon Bar Tallow Soap

Instructions on how to make natural tallow soap with simple ingredients of grass-fed tallow, olive oil, and coconut oil.

Lemon Bar Tallow soap


  • 1 digital temperature gun
  • 1 Immersion Blender


  • 24 oz. tallow grass fed
  • 8 oz. Coconut oil unfiltered 76 degree
  • 8 oz. olive oil
  • 5.61 oz. lye
  • 15.18 oz. water
  • .654 oz. grapefruit essential oil
  • .436 oz. Orange essential oil
  • .436 oz. Cherry Blossom essential oil
  • .218 oz. Lemongrass essential oil


  • Weigh the water in a heat-safe container.
  • weigh the lye separately.
  • In a well vented room or outdoors, wearing gloves and safety goggles, carefully and slowly pour the lye into the water. Stir gently.
  • Once the lye water has turned from cloudy to clear, leave it to cool until the temperature is 96 degrees.
  • Weigh tallow and coconut oil out and put into a pot to melt. Then add the olive oil. Check the temperature of the oils. You want it to be 96 degrees F. Let cool if necessary.
  • Carefully pour the lye water into the oil mixture
  • Use an immersion blender to mix the soap. After a few minutes, it will get creamy, and start to thicken. Mix until it has reached trace, the light pudding consistency.
  • Add the essential oils and blend again to incorporate.
  • Pour soap into molds, top with wax paper, and wrap molds in towels.
  • After 24 hours, remove soap from the mold and slice it into bars. Let cure in an area with good airflow for 4 weeks.


To help keep fumes down place your lye water container in a metal bowl of ice.
Essential oil total weight 1.75 oz.

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